Research Studies

AMSN Supports Research to Improve Patient Care and Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice

AMSN Sponsored Research

AMSN places calls from time-to-time for researchers to partner with us on research projects we undertake to advance the knowledge of medical-surgical nursing practice. Recruit for your research.

Participate in Open Research Studies

We only distribute study participation requests that we believe will benefit our members and medical-surgical nursing. If you see an invitation to participate in a research study via an email, on our website, or posted on our social media pages, be assured that this study has been vetted and approved by our Research Team. 

Active Studies

Relationship between Authentic Nurse Leadership and Missed Nursing Care

Missed nursing care is defined as any element of nursing care required by hospitalized patients that is omitted, only partially delivered or delayed. It occurs frequently in hospitals in the US and internationally. This study seeks to gain an understanding of factors that may be associated with missed nursing care. 

Participate in This Study