Recruit for Your Research

Nurses Working Together at a Desk Looking at Clipboard

Invite Medical-Surgical Nurses to Participate in Your Research

AMSN members and CMSRN certified nurses are a valuable population for many researchers. We encourage you to post your survey information to our website, inviting members to take your research survey. It takes approximately 2-3 weeks for your request to be approved and processed by AMSN, so the sooner you apply the better!

How to Apply to Invite Medical-Surgical Nurses to Participate in Your Research

1. Complete the online application. When you follow the link you will be taken to our online application portal. There, a first-time user must create an account. If you are a previous user you will need to log in. Then navigate to the “Get Your Survey Out There” application. You do not have to complete your application in one session—you can return to the site at any time.

Highlights of information requested in the application:

  • Your contact information
  • Survey title, description, etc.
  • Research proposal, IRB approval documents
  • Desired distribution channels, including: posting on AMSN member community HUB, messages on AMSN social media platforms

2. Pay the Application Fee If applicable, pay the application fee online through the AMSN online bookstore. Select the "Getting Your Survey Out There Application Fee." The fees are provided below.

Students: free
AMSN Members: $25
Non-members: $50

3. Confirmation. You will receive a confirmation email from AMSN staff after your application has been submitted.

4. Review period. Your application will be sent to the AMSN Research Team for review and approval. Your materials will be reviewed within ten (10) business days of receipt. Studies are approved based on content and applicability to med-surg nursing practice. You may be asked to clarify or provide additional information by our review team prior to approval.

5. Approval. Upon approval, you will receive an email from AMSN staff. We will then work with you to schedule and execute your invitation through our various channels.

6. Results. Members are interested in the results of the studies in which they participate. Therefore, AMSN will follow up with you to provide a summary of your results for dissemination to our members.

Complete the Online Application