Join or Renew Your AMSN Membership

We are so glad you’ve decided to belong to the only specialty nursing organization dedicated to developing medical-surgical nurses personally and professionally!  When you become an AMSN member, you are part of a growing medical-surgical nursing family of thousands across the globe. 

Our members know that AMSN provides high-quality, actionable, and timely professional practice resources and information for medical-surgical nurses. Join us to share in the benefits of being part of the AMSN nursing community!

Membership Types & Benefits

Full, Associate, Retired and New to Practice Membership

  • Full Member: Designed for any licensed RN, LPN, and LVN who specialize in medical-surgical nursing.
  • Associate Member: Designed for individual or healthcare professional interested in medical-surgical nursing who is neither a registered nurse and does not hold a nursing license.
  • Retired Member: Designed for retired nurses that want to stay connected.
  • New to Practice Member: Designed for any licensed and/or registered nurse interested in medical-surgical nursing who is newly graduated from an LPN/LVN/RN licensure nursing program or has been in practice for 2 years or less.

Being a part of this ever-growing AMSN family of medical-surgical nurses has lots of perks. Gain access to a variety of benefits that will help make a difference in your life as a medical-surgical nurse, including:

  • Access to a community of more than 10,000 members made up of the most knowledgeable, dedicated medical-surgical nurses
  • Discounts on AMSN educational products that will allow you to get the information you need to stay up to date and enhance your knowledge and skills 
  • Access to one free nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) credit a month to help maintain your certification and build your knowledge to ensure you’re staying updated on updates and trends within the speciality 
  • Access to monthly AMSN webinars focused on trends and clinical best practices
  • Discounted registration for the AMSN Convention, our yearly in-person gathering for the latest education and connections with fellow medical-surgical nurses
  • Access to the most relevant medical-surgical nursing thought leadership through blogs, articles, presentations, and more in the Medical-Surgical Monitor
  • Discounted fee for the CMSRN exam and Recertification with MSNCB
  • Access to the AMSN Career Center
  • Ability to apply for AMSN grants and scholarships
  • Access to exclusive travel and entertainment deals through MemberDeals
  • Discounted liability insurance through AMSN’s partnership with the Nursing Service Organization
  • And more!
Membership Type 1 Year 2 Years
($10 savings)
3 Years
($25 savings) 
Full Member  $115 $220 $320
Associate Member  $99 $188 $272
Retired Member $99 $188 $272
New to Practice Member (2 Year Membership Only) - $99 -

Group Membership

AMSN Group Membership is designed to help enhance the professional development of your medical-surgical nurse team in a cost-effective way. Enroll a group of 10 or more nurses to receive a discount on each membership, and the ability to pay with one invoice for the whole team! Learn more about Group Membership.

Student Membership

Are you student currently pursuing your initial RN license? We’ve got a complimentary student membership just for you. All of the same benefits, delivered digitally! Learn more about Student Membership.


Join or Renew Your AMSN Membership