Grants and Scholarships

We are proud of the accomplishments of our members and believe in supporting you so you can develop your career and achieve your goals. Learn more about the different AMSN grants and scholarships we offer our members

Grants and Scholarships

  • Higher Education Scholarship: $3,000 to support advancing your professional development through earning an advanced degree. This scholarship may not be awarded to individuals who have received it within the last 2 years. (Ex. If you won the scholarship in 2020, you are not eligible again until 2022.) Upon notification of being a scholarship recipient, applicant must supply proof of enrollment at an accredited college or university.
  • CMSRN Certification Grant: provides funding for exam registration to become CMSRN® certified. Recipients have one (1) year from the date they are notified that they are a grant recipient to take the exam.
  • CMSRN Recertification Grant: provides funding for CMSRN recertification application fee.
  • AMSN Convention Grant: provides funding to attend the AMSN Convention as well as a $500 stipend towards on-site expenses.
  • AMSN Student Scholarship: provides up to (10) $1,000 scholarships for current prelicensure nursing students (LPN/LVN, ADN, Diploma, or BSN program)

Eligibility Requirements for Grants and Scholarships

  • Member of AMSN for 1 year at time of application date
  • May not be awarded more than one award, grant or scholarship of any kind from AMSN in one calendar year
  • Share how grant/scholarship has advanced your professional practice
  • May not be a current member of the AMSN or MSNCB Executive Boards, Scholarship & Awards Committee, or AMSN/MSNCB staff
  • Submissions received after the application deadline will not be considered.

Application Timelines

Grants & Scholarships
Annual Application Period
Award and Number Given Annually
Higher Education Scholarship 
Jan 1 - Feb 28
Up to three (3) $3,000 scholarships 
CMSRN Certification Grant
Applications are open all year or until 12 grants are awarded for the calendar year.
12 per calendar year
CMSRN Recertification Grant
Applications are open all year or until 12 grants are awarded for the calendar year.
12 per calendar year
AMSN Convention Grant
April 1 - May 31
AMSN Student Scholarship
September 1 - November 30
Up to (10) $1,000 scholarships