Chapter membership is available only to AMSN members and is a wonderful way to stay connected to your colleagues in your region! AMSN has local chapters across the United States that further AMSN’s mission and engage medical-surgical nurses on a local level.
Find Your Local Chapter
Visit your member account to choose or change your chapter. Click here to see our current AMSN chapters!
Want to Start a New AMSN Chapter?
AMSN chapters complement AMSN’s mission and are a vital component of AMSN.
Chapters are a way for AMSN members to connect with each other to exchange resources, share ideas, and raise awareness of the medical-surgical nursing specialty. We appreciate commitment to AMSN and your hard work to help local medical-surgical nurses develop personally and professionally, advocate for the specialty of medical-surgical nursing, and connect with other nurses who share their compassion and commitment.
Resources for Starting a Chapter
- In our comprehensive Chapter Leader Toolkit, those interested in starting a chapter can find information on creating, building, and maintaining a successful AMSN chapter.
- View the "From Vision to Reality: Creating an AMSN Chapter" webinar, which includes steps and strategies for creating and maintaining an AMSN chapter. Registration is free for AMSN members and $20 for non-members.
Ready to apply to become an AMSN chapter? Begin your application today.
Are you a chapter leader? Check out the Chapter Leader Resources webpage.
Contact Us
Have questions relating to an AMSN chapter? Email us at