Join or Renew Your AMSN Membership

We are so glad you’ve decided to belong to the only specialty nursing organization dedicated to developing medical-surgical nurses personally and professionally!  When you become an AMSN member, you are part of a growing medical-surgical nursing family of thousands across the globe. 

Our members know that AMSN provides high-quality, actionable, and timely professional practice resources and information for medical-surgical nurses. Join us to share in the benefits of being part of the AMSN nursing community!

Membership Types & Benefits

Full, Associate, Retired and New to Practice Membership

  • Full Member: Designed for any licensed RN, LPN, and LVN who specialize in medical-surgical nursing.
  • Associate Member: Designed for individual or healthcare professional interested in medical-surgical nursing who is neither a registered nurse and does not hold a nursing license.
  • Retired Member: Designed for retired nurses that want to stay connected.
  • New to Practice Member: Designed for any licensed and/or registered nurse interested in medical-surgical nursing who is newly graduated from an LPN/LVN/RN licensure nursing program or has been in practice for 2 years or less.

Being a part of this ever-growing AMSN family of medical-surgical nurses has lots of perks. Gain access to a variety of benefits that will help make a difference in your life as a medical-surgical nurse, including:

  • Access to a community of more than 10,000 members made up of the most knowledgeable, dedicated medical-surgical nurses
  • Discounts on AMSN educational products that will allow you to get the information you need to stay up to date and enhance your knowledge and skills 
  • Access to one free nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) credit a month to help maintain your certification and build your knowledge to ensure you’re staying updated on updates and trends within the speciality 
  • Access to monthly AMSN webinars focused on trends and clinical best practices
  • Discounted registration for the AMSN Convention, our yearly in-person gathering for the latest education and connections with fellow medical-surgical nurses
  • Access to the most relevant medical-surgical nursing thought leadership through blogs, articles, presentations, and more in the Medical-Surgical Monitor
  • Discounted fee for the CMSRN exam and Recertification with MSNCB
  • Access to the AMSN Career Center
  • Ability to apply for AMSN grants and scholarships
  • Access to exclusive travel and entertainment deals through MemberDeals
  • Discounted liability insurance through AMSN’s partnership with the Nursing Service Organization
  • And more!
Membership Type 1 Year 2 Years
($10 savings)
3 Years
($25 savings) 
Full Member  $115 $220 $320
Associate Member  $99 $188 $272
Retired Member $99 $188 $272
New to Practice Member (2 Year Membership Only) - $99 -

Group Membership

AMSN Group Membership is designed to help enhance the professional development of your medical-surgical nurse team in a cost-effective way. Enroll a group of 10 or more nurses to receive a discount on each membership, and the ability to pay with one invoice for the whole team! Learn more about Group Membership.

Student Membership

Are you a student? We’ve got a complimentary student membership just for you. All of the same benefits, delivered digitally! Learn more about Student Membership.


Join or Renew Your AMSN Membership