Contribute to Medical-Surgical Monitor
Interested in submitting to the Monitor? Review author guidelines for more information about submitting to the Monitor. Email Content Manager Morgan Manghera at and Content Coordinator Anna Horner at to submit your article for AMSN Digital Content Committee review.
About the Monitor
AMSN is committed to providing our members and the medical-surgical nursing community with the highest quality resources and information about the specialty of medical-surgical nursing. Our goal is to continue furthering our organization’s strength and value in supporting medical-surgical nurses. Reevaluating and reimagining how we create, publish, and amplify AMSN content, articles, research, and thought leadership means we are better positioned to elevate the specialty, demonstrate our commitment to the community, and continue to deliver quality patient care. The Monitor is the official content destination for AMSN members to publish their thought leadership and experiences to advance AMSN's position as the leader in medical-surgical nursing.
Earn Contact Hours for Monitor Articles
AMSN understands that medical-surgical nurses learn in a variety of ways. To create more opportunities for you to share your expertise or flex a different educational muscle, you can now earn three contact hours by writing for the Medical-Surgical Monitor.
Are you interested in taking advantage of this opportunity? Find out if you are eligible to earn contact hours on the Monitor:
- I am an AMSN member.
- Not a member? No problem! Join now to access this benefit among many other opportunities to earn contact hours, like complimentary webinars, quarterly podcasts, discounted convention registration, and more!
- I am committed to revising my submitted article based on the feedback I receive from the AMSN Digital Content Committee.
- Once my article is published on the Monitor, I will login to AMSN’s Online Library and provide the necessary information to claim my contact hours.
Authors whose articles are submitted starting April 1, 2025, are eligible to earn contact hours. If you are an author who submitted a piece on March 31, 2025, or before, your piece is not eligible; however, we invite you to share your expertise with the Monitor again.
Monitor Staff
Executive Director
Kim Eskew, MBA, CAE
Content Manager
Morgan Manghera
Content Coordinator
Anna Horner
2025 AMSN Digital Content Committee
Blaine Jumper, MSN, RN, CMSRN, Chair
Dr. Shara Rhodes DNP, RN, NEA-BC, MEDSURG-BC, NPDA-BC®, Vice Chair
Kristina Arellano, BSN, RN, PHN
Anthodith M. Garganera, MSN, MHA, RN, CNL, CMSRN
Deltra Muoki, PhD, APRN, AGNP-C, CMSRN, CNE, NE-BC
Deirdre Smith, MSN, RN, CMSRN
Elizabeth Thomas, MSN, APRN, ACNS-BC, RN-BC
Julie Ann Poblete, RN, BSN, CMSRN, Emerging Professional
Mark Lee, MS, BSN, RN-BC, Board Liaison
Kelly Hunt, MN, RN, CNL, AMSN Director of Clinical Practice Programs
Content published on the Medical-Surgical Monitor represents the views, thoughts, and opinions of the authors and may not necessarily reflect the views, thoughts, and opinions of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses.
Past Publications
Effective March 2024, Med-Surg Nurse Life Magazine evolved into a new content destination via the Medical-Surgical Monitor. AMSN members can access past issues of the magazine here.
Copyright 2025 by AMSN. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of AMSN.