AMSN recognizes you are a busy med-surg nurse and don’t always have time to sit down for an hour to learn something new.
As a result, AMSN developed a new offering in 2019 intended to help you learn new or updated information in approximately five minutes or less. Called Med-Surg Talks, these are video recordings of our top posters from the convention each year. They will help you find out what research/EBP your peers are conducting and are designed to give you the timely, relevant content you need to continue to grow as a med-surg nurse.
Our ten top 2019 convention sessions, as judged by a group of your peers, is presented below. Each year, following our convention, we will update this information to ensure you have timely access to the research and evidence-based practice initiatives med-surg nurses like you are conducting.
If you want to learn more about these posters, or the many other posters at AMSN's convention, you can search for them in our Online Library.
Visit the AMSN MSNCB YouTube channel for all of our other videos.