It was a busy summer for AMSN Government Relations – we hosted a virtual Congressional advocacy week for AMSN leaders, actively engaged with the Nursing Community Coalition, and signed numerous federal appropriations and policy letters of support.
General Updates
AMSN Summer Hill Week
In July, members of AMSN’s Board of Directors, regional chapter leaders, and the Legislative Committee participated in a series of virtual Congressional meetings to advocate for the medical-surgical nurse profession. AMSN leaders met with 21 Senate and House offices to increase awareness of AMSN’s mission and its positions on workplace safety, nurse-shortage reduction, and equality in healthcare.
In these meetings, AMSN leaders, along with a member of AMSN's Government Relations staff team, met with the staff of their Senators and Representatives. Theo Urbano, a member AMSN's Legislative Committee, writes that “meeting with my Congressmen was a rewarding and empowering experience. My Senator and Representative's Offices receive [AMSN’s requests] ahead of time, so I used this time to personalize and really articulate why these bills were important to me... their constituent.
“This was my third time advocating on health policies and my Representative's staffer remembered me. After I introduced myself, he said, "Hey, I remember you!" I believe it helps coming back because they know I will [continue to do so], but also, it makes our conversations less formal and conversational.”
While the idea of meeting with the office of a Member of Congress seems intimidating, meeting with the health policy staffer is very beneficial in that the staff are often the real subject-matter experts and can influence their boss’s policy decisions. Moreover, you are able to create relationships with the staffer, just like Theo, which often helps get the attention of the staffer and, in turn, the Member of Congress themselves.
Fall Activities
AMSN Government Relations continues to have a busy fall, as we prepare for an advocacy webinar on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. CT. This webinar will be available to all AMSN members – it will be livestreamed and also recorded for any AMSN members who are unable to attend the live session. The webinar will discuss the importance of advocacy in general, and seek to answer the question: how can you be a good advocate for yourself and your profession? While this webinar will focus on federal advocacy, the skills learned through advocacy can be widely applicable to the state and local level, as well as in your workplace.
AMSN Signed Letters
On the Hill, AMSN sought support for three pending bills:
The Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act (H.R. 1176/S. 2663), which would:
- Instruct the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration to issue an interim health and safety standard that requires healthcare and social services employers to develop and implement a violence prevention plan that addresses workplace conditions and hazards.
- Require employers to investigate any incident of workplace violence, risk, or hazard and provide training and education to affected employees.
The Nurse Faculty Shortage Reduction Act (H.R.7002/S.2815), which would:
- Provide grants to nursing institutions to help close the nursing-faculty pay gap and help ensure a stable nursing workforce for the future.
- Establish a School of Nursing Student Loan Fund, which would enable schools to admit more qualified students than they can currently admit.
The John Lewis Equality in Medicare and Medicaid Treatment Act (H.R.3069/S.1296), which would:
- Instruct Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) to include social determinants of health with particular respect to rural health, minority population groups, and high-risk individuals when evaluating innovation proposals.
- Require CMMI to consult with experts such as the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, the Office of Minority Health of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Office on Women’s Health when reviewing.
AMSN Endorsed Bills
Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act (S.131/H.R.618)
This bill, which would retire outdated barriers in the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) that limit the ability of nurse practitioners to provide care and treatment for injured or ill federal employees, advanced out of the House Education & the Workforce Committee and is awaiting House Floor consideration.
Request to House and Senate Leadership for Title VIII and NINR in Fiscal Year (FY) 2025
AMSN, along with more than 60 other organizations, submitted a request to House and Senate Leadership for Title VIII and National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) in Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. AMSN seeks $310MM for Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs and $198MMM for NINR. The Senate allocated these amounts; the Coalition is advocating for the same levels on the House side.
NCC NIH Framework Comments
The Coalition submitted these comments in response to the Energy and Commerce proposed NIH reforms. This letter emphasized the importance of the NINR being retained as an independent institute within NIH. AMSN signed this letter to ensure that nurse scientists are at the decision-making table. Moreover, AMSN advocates for more investment in nursing research by increasing funding to NINR.
NCC FDA Comment Letter
AMSN signed NCC’s letter that encourages the FDA to consider nurses when populating task forces and committees as appropriate. Other agencies include nurses on these types of panels at much higher rates than the FDA. Inclusion of this kind will help elevate the voice of the medical-surgical nurse.
Register for the AMSN Advocacy Webinar
This webinar will provide an overview of AMSN's advocacy scope, instruct listeners on how they can promote legislation and policies that advocate for medical-surgical patients and medical-surgical nurses at the state and federal level, and share insights into how AMSN members can get involved with advocacy efforts.
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 12
Time: 2–3 p.m. CT
Continuing Education: 1.0 contact hours

Molly Ford, MPP


Michael Urton, DNP, APRN, AGCNS-BC, NEA-BC
Registration Fee:
• AMSN Members (pre-registration required): FREE
• Non-Members: $80
*The webinar has ended but is available to all AMSN members via AMSN's Advocacy page.*