AMSN Statement on Racism

AMSN has a DEI position statement that outlines the need to embrace diverse perspectives, hear multiple viewpoints on issues, realize our full potential, and find innovative solutions. AMSN stands ready to offer resources that support these goals and seek solutions that benefit AMSN and the nursing community.

April 23, 2024 - 

Racism is present in all facets of our lives.  Whether it is through direct statements or through the systems that have been created in this country.  As the largest and most trusted healthcare profession, nurses need to speak up and speak out against racism when we encounter it and not add to the narratives, which can have far-reaching impacts.  The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) is committed to changing these narratives, promoting health equity, and addressing racism in nursing.  This year, we have re-established our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee to ensure DEI is woven into our mission, vision, and strategic plans.  AMSN is focusing on how DEI issues impact medical-surgical nurses and the patient populations we serve. 

Recently, the American Nurses Association (ANA) and Indiana State Nurses Association (ISNA) issued a statement on racist comments made by a nursing student. AMSN stands with the ANA and ISNA and shares this statement with you for awareness. We urge the university to handle the matter swiftly and appropriately to prevent further harm to all involved.

AMSN stands ready to offer resources that support these goals and seek solutions that benefit AMSN and the nursing community.