COVID-19 Staffing Toolkit

AMSN Self-Assessment Staffing Survey

Nurses can access the COVID-19 Self-Assessment Survey and Instructions on how to complete their survey online.

Go to The Self-Assessment Survey

Note: This Self-Assessment Survey page requires a login, so individuals will need to create a profile on AMSN if they don't already have one.  Once on their profile page, the My Assessments link will appear in the My Account Links section, just below the My Membership section.

Guidance for the Organizational Use of The Staffing Toolkit

  • Have the potential employee complete the online survey. This should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Have the employee print a pdf version of the results and submit it to appropriate personnel.
  • Evaluation Guidance of the Self-Assessment Results: Below are general guidelines to assist you in evaluating the results. Other guidelines may be developed for your needs
  • If the majority of the competency statements are rated either 2 or 3, the potential employee demonstrates the necessary level of practice to provide care
  • If the majority of the competency statements are rated either 0 or 1, the potential employee could benefit from additional training in the identified area(s)
  • These competencies are non-exhaustive and should be used in conjunction with a skills or technical checklist to validate the appropriate clinical skills in the following areas, based on your institutional policy:
    1. Hand hygiene
    2. Donning and doffing PPE
    3. Respiratory System Assessment
    4. Multiorgan Failure Assessment
    5. Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Interpretation
    6. Ventilator management (basic)
  • Each institution should make the determination for practice in alignment with their own internal policies and procedures. Please note: This self-evaluation is NOT intended to be used for any employment decisions.

AMSN understands the strain our health care system is under right now and is committed to doing everything we can to help our members, organizations and institutions as we all grapple with this unprecedented situation. We are pleased to be able to help you during this turbulent time.

Other Staffing Toolkit Resources


Get The Crisis Staffing Model and Template

Get The Medical-Surgical Nursing Pocket Reference