Instructions and FAQ

How to Register

Register Yourself

  1. Navigate to the AMSN 2024 Annual Convention Registration Portal – Register Yourself
  2. Select the Attendee registration type and click "Next"
  3. Follow the registration form instructions.
  4. Review the Order Details and complete payment.
    1. If you were provided with a discount code for this event, please enter it on the “Order Details” page by clicking “Apply Coupon Code”, entering the code, and clicking the checkmark to apply it.
  5. Review and confirm the registration summary is accurate. Once confirmed, click “Process Order”.
  6. After submitting, you will receive an email confirmation.

Register Someone Else 

  1. Navigate to the AMSN 2024 Annual Convention Registration Portal – Register A Group/Someone Else
  2. Click “Start A New Registration Group”.
  3. Enter a group name (your company name is best).
  4. Click “Register Attendee”.
  5. Type the name of the person you’d like to register.
    1. Please note every registrant must have an AMSN account to register for this event. If someone does not have an account, they will not appear in the search. Registrants can go to and click “Log In/Create Account” to create an account.
  6. Select the applicable registration type and click “Continue”.
  7. Follow the registration form instructions.
  8. Click “Save Changes”.
  9. Click “Complete Group Purchase”.
  10. Review the Order Details and complete payment.
    1. If you were provided with a discount code for this event, please enter it on the “Order Details” page by clicking “Apply Coupon Code”, entering the code, and clicking the checkmark to apply it.
  11. Review and confirm the registration summary is accurate. Once confirmed, click “Process Order”.
  12. After submitting, you and the person you registered will receive an email confirmation.

Register a Group

  1. Navigate to the AMSN 2024 Annual Convention Registration Portal – Register A Group/Someone Else
  2. Click “Start A New Registration Group”.
  3. Enter a group name (your company name is best).
  4. Click “Register Attendee”.
  5. Type the name of the person you’d like to register.
    1. Please note every registrant must have an AMSN account to register for this event. If someone does not have an account, they will not appear in the search. Registrants can go to and click “Log In/Create Account” to create an account.
  6. Select the applicable registration type and click “Continue”.
  7. Follow the registration form instructions.
  8. Click “Save Changes”.
  9. Repeat steps 5 through 9 until your entire group is listed under the “Pending Registrations” header.
  10. Click “Complete Group Purchase”.
  11. Review the Order Details and complete payment.
    1. If you were provided with a discount code for this event, please enter it on the "Order Details" page by clicking "Apply Coupon Code", entering the code, and clicking the checkmark to apply it. 
  12. Review and confirm the registration summary is accurate. Once confirmed, click “Process Order”.
  13. After submitting, you and everyone you registered will receive an email confirmation.

Register Yourself or a Group (Exhibitors)

  1. Navigate to the AMSN 2024 Annual Convention Registration Portal
  2. Select the Exhibitor registration type and click "Next"
  3. Follow the registration form instructions.
  4. Review the Order Details and complete payment.
    1. Enter your complimentary allotment code on the “Order Details” page by clicking “Apply Coupon Code”, entering the code, and clicking the checkmark to apply it.
    2. Please note that all registrants for this event will need to have an AMSN account.
    3. If you register your team as a group, the number of registrants in your group cannot exceed the number of complimentary allotments listed above. If your group is registered incorrectly, your registration may be subject to cancellation in which case re-registration would be required. Please reach out to for assistance.
  5. Review and confirm the registration summary is accurate. Once confirmed, click “Process Order”.
  6. After submitting, you will receive an email confirmation.

Registration FAQ

I am an AMSN Member but the registration form is showing Non-Member Pricing.
Please review the order details page to ensure you are paying the correct member or non-member pricing. If you are seeing non-member pricing and believe you should be paying the member rate, please do not register. Email for assistance.

Can I register in Toronto?
Yes, but you will need to have created an AMSN account prior to registering for this event, even if you are registering onsite. If you are planning to attend, please create an account in advance.

I can’t proceed past the “Group Name” page on the Group Registration website.
Your AMSN profile needs to be connected to an organization to use the group registration feature. Please follow these steps to connect your organization:

  1. Go back to the main website and click My Profile.
  2. Once on your AMSN portal, hover over Account and select Manage Account.
  3. Click Update Your Profile.
  4. Scroll down to work information and enter your organization name in the Organization field.
  5. Select Add New Organization then scroll down to save changes.
  6. The system should update shortly after you save your changes. You may then return to the AMSN 2024 group registration page to complete your registration

Can I modify my information after I register? 
Yes! There are a few ways to access your registration to modify it.

  • Option One: To modify your registration, please click here to access your active registration. Click “Modify Registration” and edit your details.
  • Option Two: Login to your AMSN account and click “Account”. In the menu at the top of the page, click “Events” and then click “My Registrations”. From there, click the registration you would like to modify, and then click “Modify Registration”.

Please note: if you would like to transfer your registration to another person, please contact to do so.

Can I add a guest or a sightseeing tour to my existing registration?
Yes! To add a guest or sightseeing tour to a pre-existing registration:

  1. Log into your AMSN account.
  2. Click on the “Events” tab on the top of the page.
  3. Click on “My Registrations”.
  4. Click on the name of the event that you registered for.
  5. Click on “Modify Registration”.
  6. Continue to click next as long as your information looks correct until you get to the Extras and Add Ons page for tour additions or the Guest Registration page for a guest.
  7. Click next until you get to the “Review Order” page and process payment.

Can I transfer my registration to another person?
Yes. Please contact to transfer your registration to another person.