AMSN News, Press Release

Med-Surg Moments Podcast Marks Successful First Year

Med-Surg Moments – The AMSN Podcast
Marks Success at 1-Year Anniversary, Brings Nursing Community Together

February 13, 2020 – With 800,000 practicing nurses worldwide, medical-surgical nursing is the world's largest nursing specialty. The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) – the only professional association for med-surg nurses - launched Med-Surg Moments - The AMSN Podcast in February 2019, to speak to the wide-ranging issues that this diverse and ever-growing population of nurses is faced with daily. The broadcast has also proven to be a popular forum for support, discovery, and knowledge that applies to the nursing industry at large.

AMSN CEO, Terri Hinkley, EdD, MBA, BScN, RN, CAE, said AMSN leaders have been getting enthusiastic reviews from AMSN members and listeners.

"Nurses have written or stopped to speak with us at our annual convention to tell us they appreciated the time and resources it took to give them this new forum," Hinkley said. "A podcast is so convenient – anyone can listen any time – and the discussions help them learn and cope with the challenges they face."

The podcast is accessible to nurses, health care providers, and the public at no charge at The co-hosts were selected by AMSN from hundreds of med-surg nurse candidates who were interested or auditioned, from all over the world. The hosts include Alissa Brown, BSN, MSN, RN; Caroline Ashman, MSN, RN, CMSRN; Evie Harris, BSN, MA, RN, FNE; and Chelsea Parker, BSN, RN, CMSRN.

Stuart Meyer, co-founder of Social Frequency Media Communications, is the producer. He said the numbers are showing that that the industry embraces the podcast.

"Out of more than 800 medical podcasts, Med-Surg Moments ­– The AMSN Podcast, ranks #87 in less than 1 year of production," Meyer said.

According to Hinkley, the podcast is informing the entire nursing community, as well as pulling it together.

"We want nurses to remember why they chose nursing," Hinkley said. "The podcast conversations give them real tools and guidance for their practice, put their concerns in perspective, and send them on their way with a positive attitude about the enormous contributions they make every day in patient care."

With Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) being a key focus of discussion in the health care industry, the podcast recently welcomed Susan Hassmiller, RN, PhD, FAAN, Senior Scholar in Residence and Advisor to the President on Nursing at the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). Dr. Hassmiller is the director of NAM's Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Consensus Study.

Another recent podcast episode featured Dr. John Preston, the Chief Credentialing Officer for the National Board for Certification and Recertification of Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA), and explored the topic of continuing competence in registered nurses.

The Med-Surg Moments podcast touches on trending and fundamental topics over the last year, and has covered nurse suicide, coping with traumatic events, nurse staffing, technology in the workplace, and evidence-based practice.

The content has been hitting home.

"I just listened to the med-surg nursing podcast and I love the variety of experience and background of the nurses," listener J-Shawn Derulo said. "The conversation about supporting each other and recognizing that we are not alone in the nursing field was perfect, we always have each other's back. I look forward to each episode for new insight. Thanks, ladies!"

In the February 2020 anniversary episode, the co-hosts discuss that nurses again ranked #1 in the 2019 Gallup Poll as Americans' most trusted professionals, for the 18th consecutive year. Additionally, AMSN is actively involved in the Year of the Nurse and Midwife 2020, as designated by the World Health Organization, and episodes this year will include this and other priority initiatives.

The podcast will bring even more topics germane to med-surg nurses in the coming year, with episodes on nursing legislation, nurse driven protocols, AMSN chapters, reality shock of becoming a new nurse and much more. Watch AMSN's social media channels for the most up-to-date episode topics and launch dates:

Twitter: @MedSurgNurses Instagram: @AMSNmedsurg
Facebook: @MedSurgNurses
LinkedIn: Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) & Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board (MSNCB)

Members of the Media
If you would like to interview the podcast co-hosts, please contact AMSN Communications at

About AMSN
The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) is a dynamic community of medical-surgical nurses who are committed to quality patient care through professional development, certification, scholarship, and advocacy.