AMSN Alerts

Important Updates: Changes to AMSN Content and Publications

As the recognized leader in medical-surgical nursing, AMSN is committed to providing our members with the highest quality resources and information about the specialty of medical-surgical nursing. Over the past year as we transitioned to our new management partner, we listened to our members and asked for your feedback, working to understand what is most important to you.
Our goal is to continue to further our organization’s evolving strength and value in supporting medical-surgical nurses. Reevaluating and reimagining how we create, publish, and amplify AMSN content, articles, research, and thought leadership means we are better positioned to elevate the specialty, demonstrate our commitment to the community, and continue to deliver quality patient care.
In order to improve the member experience with content provided by AMSN, we are implementing a series of exciting changes in how we deliver this information to you.
Changes to Med-Surg Nurse Life Magazine 

Med-Surg Nurse Life Magazine will evolve into a new online content platform through two phases.  
Phase 1, effective Dec. 1, 2023, entails publishing content weekly on the AMSN Blog, rather than a PDF format. Articles and medical-surgical nurse perspectives will be available to you in a timely manner, ensuring you have the latest information and best practices at your fingertips, rather than only six times per year, as new content will be added as it is available. Be sure to visit the AMSN Blog now as there is already a wealth of new content for you to explore!  
Phase 2 of our new content strategy will introduce Medical-Surgical Monitor, the official online publication of AMSN, in spring 2024. As a membership-based organization, Medical-Surgical Monitor presents an increased opportunity to highlight the expertise and perspectives of our members and association, including research findings, clinical best practices, and insights on the issues that are top of mind to the medical-surgical specialty.
Changes to MEDSURG Nursing

The AMSN Board of Directors also made the difficult decision to end our license of the MEDSURG Nursing Journal as of Nov. 1, 2023. The September/October issue, releasing later this week, will be the final issue published as the official journal of AMSN. 

This decision was not made lightly. The board evaluated in detail the legality of ownership rights, the excessive costs to continue publishing the journal, and the needs of our members to receive the highest caliber of peer-reviewed, scientific research and articles. The board also voted to establish a new peer-reviewed scientific journal that provides the valued content you’ve come to love from AMSN while enhancing and expanding it with the topics you want more of in a more cost-effective manner. 
As you can imagine, establishing a new scientific journal is not an initiative taken lightly, and we intend to approach the creation strategically with intention and member input. More information will be shared with you as plans and a launch date for the new AMSN journal take shape in 2024. 
Looking to the Future  

AMSN is excited about the future direction of our organization and how our evolving content strategy will position AMSN as a thought leader on all aspects of medical-surgical nursing. 
Ways you can contribute and submit articles, including research and evidence-based content, to the AMSN Blog and Medical-Surgical Monitor will be shared in the coming weeks.