AMSN News, AMSN Blog

CEO’s December Message for the AMSN Blog

The Nursing Workforce Landscape: Taking Control of Your Career

Terri Hinkley, EdD, MBA, BScN, RN, CAE, Chief Executive Officer, AMSN & MSNCB


Did you know that the current nursing vacancy rate is approximately 17%? That figure is up over 7% from last year, with over 80% of hospitals having a RN vacancy rate of over 10%, while it is taking approximately 3 months to find a nurse to fill a vacancy. Further, the nursing turnover rate is 27.1%, and hospitals, on average, lost almost 3% of their RN workforce. Overall, turnover in the med-surg setting is the fifth highest, tied with critical care, and is up over 10% since 2021.

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