AMSN Alerts

Board of Directors Spotlight: Marie Mullins

Welcome to the Board of Directors Spotlight series. Meet Marie Mullins, BSN, RN, CMSRN, who holds the Emerging Professional position on the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) Board of Directors. She has five years of nursing experience, has specialized in cardiac and neurological medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, and is currently in the Master of Science in Nursing Leadership program at Grand Canyon University. Get to know Marie here.

What does medical-surgical nursing mean to you?

To me, medical-surgical nursing represents the heart of patient care, which blends the intricacies of a vast and dynamic specialty where continuous learning and adaptability are crucial, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care across a broad spectrum of conditions. Medical-surgical nursing represents the largest community of nursing that embodies clinical expertise, compassion, and versatility. Ultimately, medical-surgical nursing is about making a difference in patients’ lives through skilled, dedicated, and compassionate practice.

What is the value of volunteer leadership?

Volunteer leadership in the medical-surgical nursing community is invaluable, as it cultivates a culture of mentorship, innovation, and collaboration. By stepping into volunteer leadership roles, nurses can share their expertise, inspire their peers, and drive positive change within the profession. This selfless commitment not only enhances personal and professional growth but also strengthens the entire community by fostering a spirit of unity and mutual support. Volunteer leaders play a crucial role in advancing the field, ensuring that medical-surgical nursing continues to evolve and thrive.

How did you get started with AMSN?

AMSN was brought to my attention by my nurse leader during my tenure as a staff nurse. Following her attendance at a convention, she returned very excited, eager to share the insights she had gained and the connections she had made there. Her excitement was contagious, and I felt an immediate urge to delve deeper into the resources and community that I was now a part of by joining AMSN.

What was your journey to the AMSN Board of Directors, and why did you decide to join the board?

As I became more involved and actively engaged in the AMSN community, I became aware of the many volunteer opportunities within the community. As a new nurse myself, I was trying to find a place where I fit and could use my passions to help the community. There are always opportunities to serve as a volunteer within AMSN, and I was delighted to find that there was a position on the board of directors that represented nurses who were new to the nursing profession, such as myself, as the Emerging Professional. This position requires less than five years of experience as a nurse, ensuring that the perspectives of a new generation of nurses are given consideration to help find ways to support medical-surgical nurses with less than five years of experience and gain experience on a nursing board. It was an easy decision to apply!

What are your goals as a member of the AMSN Board of Directors?

Applying for the Emerging Professional position on the Board of Directors has allowed me to give a voice to many nurses who have recently entered or are entering the profession. As a member of the AMSN Board of Directors, my goals are centered around advocating for the advancement and recognition of medical-surgical nursing as a vital specialty. I aim to promote initiatives that enhance professional development opportunities for nurses, foster a supportive and inclusive community within AMSN, and advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being and growth of our members. I am committed to ensuring that AMSN continues to serve as a beacon of excellence and support for medical-surgical nurses nationwide.

What are you most excited about at AMSN and in the field of medical-surgical nursing?

I am most excited about the ongoing advancements in medical-surgical nursing within AMSN. The field continues to evolve with innovative practices, technologies, and research that enhance patient care outcomes. AMSN's commitment to providing valuable resources, fostering professional growth, and advocating for the needs of medical-surgical nurses is particularly inspiring.

With the recent advancements into the virtual nursing field and our newest virtual nursing certification (CAVRN), I am thrilled to see how medical-surgical nurses continue to advance and diversify our specialty.

What is one contribution you’ve made to medical-surgical nursing, big or small, that you are most proud of?

One contribution that I have made to the medical-surgical nursing profession was beginning to explore how we identify ourselves as medical-surgical nurses. I recently had the opportunity to speak at our 2023 AMSN Annual Convention town hall to gain feedback and insight from our members on how we perceive ourselves and strategize how we can strengthen that perception. This time was so impactful on many of the attendees as we began to better understand how diverse and skilled our specialty is. As part of our strategic plan, AMSN strives to increase the profile of the medical-surgical nurse as healthcare leaders. While this is no small feat, we can make an impact together.

What is something you’d like members to know about you that they might not already know?

As a nurse with five years of experience, I wasn’t sure if I had the ability to make an impact on our specialty. I want to encourage nurses to get involved in their communities and know that voices in all backgrounds, education levels, and tenures have great impact on all aspects of nursing. I encourage you to explore the community around you, to speak up, and know that the skills you possess can make an impact on our profession.

For more information about the AMSN Board of Directors, visit the AMSN website.